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CamSurveillance Manual
Part 4: Camera Settings


IP-Camera address - input the IP address of the camera including the picture name ( the picture must be in JPG format )
activate preview - activate the preview to show the video window on the desktop. If the preview is activated the program receives pictures from the camera address and the state changes from offline into preview. An offline camera costs no CPU. If the camera is offline, it will be activated automatic at motion detection start.
preview interval - select the interval in sec in which the program receives pictures from the camera address. At motion detection start, the preview interval becomes the value from the motion detection interval, if the motion detection interval is shorter.
if the preview is active ... - select this option to get at program start the first preview picture, no matter which interval you have selected

use URL as camera name - displays the URL within the main window camera list as the camera name
use user defined name as camera name - displays the usertext as the camera name

deactivate preview if X times no picture could received - if X times no picture could be received, the program stops the preview and motion detection mode for this camera. This is useful to save performance by not receiving pictures from an offline LAN or Internet camera.


Video Window

show video window in original picturesize - uses the original camera picture resolution for the video window
show video window in usersize - input the width and height for the video window

never show the video window - hides the video window all the time, not only if preview is offline

show video in 24 bit color - the video picture has a 24 bit pixeldepth. If the camera picture is colored the video picture is colored too.
show video in 8 bit grayscale - the video picture has a 8 bit pixeldepth. The video picture contains 256 gray scale.
show video in 4 bit grayscale - the video picture has a 4 bit pixeldepth. The video picture contains 16 gray scale.
show video in 1 bit grayscale - the video picture has a 1 bit pixeldepth. The video picture contains only the colors black and white.

Use these settings if you want to see the video in the format, which you have selected for the intern motion detection test routine.


Motion Detection

test interval X sec - select the interval in which the motion detector tests for motion. If this interval is shorter than the preview intervall, the preview intervall would reduced to this value.
test often as possible - depending on your hardware, the test for motion happens often as possible

after each detection wait X sec - if selected, after a motion was detected the programs waits X sec. before it tests again
at detection start wait - if selected, at start of the motion detector, X sec. are waited before the first test

test current picture against start picture - the current picture would be compared to the picture at motion detection start. This is useful if nothing changes within the observed scene.
test current picture against previous picture - the current picture would be compared to the previous picture. This is useful if something changes the observed scene, but this should not result in a detection. By example if the sun is going down or up, the whole scene changes in a room with windows, but in such a slow way, that this should not result in a detection. The picture difference is then always a little value ( maybe 2% ).
test current picture against last picture with no detection - the current picture would be compared to the last picture with no detection. This is useful if you only want 1 detection if there comes something into the scene and then leaves the scene. If there is nothing in front of your camera and you step into the picture, you get one detection. If you leave the picture you get no additional detection, because the program tests against the last picture without a detection and this was the picture before you step into the scene. In the mode test current picture against previous picture you get 2 detections in this example.! First for stepping into the picture and second for leaving the picture.

compare pictures in 24 bit format - after receiving the pictures are in 24 bit format by default, no matter what format the camera has. So there is no format change before the testing starts. For each pixel, 3 bytes must be compared.
compare pictures in 8 bit format - before the testing starts, the picture is transformed into 8 bit gray scale. So the influence of lighting could be reduced and the testing routine runs 3 times faster as in 24 bit format.
compare pictures in 4 bit format - before the testing starts, the picture is transformed into 4 bit gray scale. So the influence of lighting could be reduced and the testing routine runs 3 times faster as in 24 bit format.
compare pictures in 1 bit format - before the testing starts, the picture is transformed into 1 bit gray scale. So the influence of lighting could be reduced and the testing routine runs 3 times faster as in 24 bit format.
Please try the different intern formate and see what works best for your camera and situation.

For the first 3 intern formate you have to select a value for the pixel-difference. This pixel difference value determines if two pixels are different or not. If the 2 compared pixels have a difference of 12 and the difference value is 10, then the pixels are different and counted to the sum of different pixels. If the difference is 8 the pixels are not counted, they are equal. With this value you can adjust the difference for two compared pictures. If your camera creates big differences in captured pictures, even if there are no changes or only little changes resulting from sunlight, you have to increase the difference value. If you increase this value you reduce the % of difference of the two compared pictures. It's important to filter out unimportant things from the pictures which influences the result of the comparsion. Please adjust this value carefully to have a good initial state for the motion detection.

show the picture differences within the selected areas in the video window - this is useful to see all different pixels live in the video window. Select this mode to adjust the pixel difference value.
don't show the current received picture ... - to avoid that the current received picture is displayed before the picture difference is calculated and displayed, select this option
choose the color for the ... - select the color in which the different pixels are painted within the video window ( works only in 24 bit mode )

X % of the selected area must be different to report a motion - select how many ( in % ) of the selected areas must be different between the two compared pictures to report a motion. You can use this value to get always ( in your motion detection interval ) a motion and the selected action at detection, if you set this value to 0 %. So you have a FTP transfer, email sending or picture taking etc. in intervals, independent if there is a motion in the picture or not.
X times must a motion be detected to be sure and report a motion - you can use this setting to get a motion report only if there are some motions direct consecutively.

Additional Motion Detection Settings


Text Output

output into video window - select if the text output should be printed into the video window
output into capture picture - select if the text output should be printed into the captured picture. This option influences the capture picture selection from the action at detection and the picture capture form the main window by button press.

user text - input a text which should be printed

output text - select if and where you want the user text be printed
output time - select if and where and in which format you want the current time be printed
output date - select if and where and in which format you want the current date be printed

Choose the text color and the backfground color for all text outputs.

transparent text - select if you want the text without a background color or not


Picture Capture

Select the output format for the captured pictures. This option influences the capture picture selection from the action at detection and the picture capture from the main window by button press.
You can choose JPG or BMP as the output format. For the JPG pictures you have to select the quality. 10% quality results in small filesizes and bad picture qualities.

The following settings are only for the picture capture from the main window by buttton press.!

select directory
- choose the directory in which the pictures should be stored
use the camera-name as filename - the name of the camera ( URL or a real name from the General seetings ) is used for the picturefilename
use this usertext as filename - input a picturefilename
use the name of the camera picture as filename - the picture name from the netcam is used for the picturefilename
add the current time to the filename - adds the current time to the picturefilename
add the current date to the filename - adds the current date to the picturefilename

With take a picture you can create a picture ( only if preview is running and a picture is received ) on your harddisk to verify the settings


Video Record

Select the output format for the recorded videos.
The following settings are only for the video recording from the main window by buttton press.!

select directory
- choose the directory in which the videos should be stored
use the camera-name as filename - the name of the camera ( URL or a real name from the General seetings ) is used for the videofilename
use this usertext as filename - input a videofilename
use the name of the camera picture as filename - the picture name from the netcam is used for the videofilename
add the current time to the filename - adds the current time to the videofilename
add the current date to the filename - adds the current date to the videofilename

if the video already exists append the new video ...- select if you want to append the new recorded video to an already existing video. So you get only one video for several recordings. You can let several NetCams to record into the same video file, but only one NetCam has the focus at one time. If one camera starts recording, the next camera could only record into the same video file, if the first camera has finished recording. So you can select if you want several videos for each NetCam, one video for each NetCam, or one video for all NetCams.
Please try the append functionality first. We have tested with several codecs, where some doesn't worked well.
If you use the append option, there are two different ways the program works. 1. You select no codec, just record the uncompressed video. This has the advantage, that the video record starts immediately, the frames could be append directly and you get the best quality. The disadvantage is a huge video file. 2. You select a codec. Appending frames to an existing compressed video is not possible. To append additional frames to an existing compressed video, the whole video is read and write again to append the new frames. The existing frames are compressed again. The advantage is a small video file. The disadvantages are, that the record starts not immediately, because all frames must be read and write before and that the quality is reduced. Please try some different codecs to see where you get the best quality after recompressing. Some codecs like DIVX reduces the quality very much after recompression.

The following options influences the videos which are recorded while motion detection works and the videos which are recorded from the main window by button press.

select the AVI CODEC - before you record the first video you should select the used codec.
The selectable codecs are the ones which you have installed into your Windows system. The selected codec is used for all recorded videos for ALL cameras.!
fps - frames per second - select of how many frames per second your AVI should exists.
times should every frame be duplicated - select how often a recorded picture should be shown while watching the video

In general you can't receive 15 or more picture per second from your netcam. Let us assume you could receive 15 pictures per second, you could select 15 for the fps setting and 1 for the duplicated setting. Then you have an AVI with 15 frames per second where each frame is a different picture. The AVI runs as fast as it was recorded. It runs in realtime. But if you can't receive so many pictures you have to select a duplicated value, that the AVI is not running very very fast. Let's assume that you receive every second a picture. 1 picture per second and you select 15 for the fps setting and 1 for the duplicated setting.Then you have an AVI with 15 frames per second where every picture is different. The AVI plays with 15 frames per second, so it shows in 1 second, what you have received within 15 seconds.! It's runs 15 times faster as realtime. So you have to select a duplicated value of 15 to show every frame for a longer time ( or you can say, every picture is shown several times). Play a bit around with these two values to find the best for your netcam and AVI.

Part 5 >>