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A Great Grabber

Main Dialog

The Main Dialog Buttons have the following functions ( from left to right ):

Start project - the project is started. That means, that the scanning starts with the startwebpages and immediately if a file was found for downloading, the download starts too.
Stop everything - all scanning and downloading threads are stopped. The queues with the found webpages and found files are cleared and playing videos and audio files are stopped.

Start scanning - the scanning starts with the startwebpages. All found webpages are included into a queue for found webpages and scanned one after another. If the scanning was paused, the scanning resumes with the webpages from the found queue!
Pause scanning - the scanning is paused. All scanning threads are scanning the current webpage until they are finished, but don't start again. The queue with the found webpages is not changed.
Stop scanning - the scanning is stopped. All scanning threads are stopped and the queue with the found webpages is cleared.

Start downloading - the downloading starts. If there are already found files in the queue for found files, they are downloaded. If the queue for found files is empty the downloading waits until there are files included and starts immediately if files are found..
Pause downloading - the downloading is paused. All downloading threads are donwloading the current file until they are finished, but don't start again. The queue with the found files is not changed.
Stop downloading - the downloading is stopped. All downloading threads are stopped and the queue with the found files is cleared. If the scanning is running the queue with the found files is still filled.


  • in the image viewing window, the downloaded images are shown in the interval you have selected
  • in the video viewing window, the downloaded videos are played one after another
  • in the audio files playing window, the downloaded audio files are played one after another


  • in the image viewing window, the viewing is paused. The downloaded images are filled in the queue for downloaded images but were not shown.
  • in the video viewing window, the current playing video is paused. The downloaded videos are filled in the queue for downloaded videos but were not played.
  • in the audio files playing window, the current playing audio file is paused. The downloaded audio files are filled in the queue for downloaded audio files but were not played.


  • in the image viewing window, the viewing is stopped. The queue for downloaded images is cleared and the following downloaded images are not shown.
  • in the video viewing window, the current playing video is stopped. The queue for downloaded videos is cleared and the following downloaded videos are not played.
  • in the audio files playing window, the current playing audio file is stopped. The queue for downloaded audio files is cleared and the following downloaded audio files are not played.


  • in the image viewing window, the next image from the image queue is shown.
  • in the video viewing window, the current playing video is stopped and the next video from the video queue is played.
  • in the audio files playing window, the current playing audio file is stopped and the next audio file from the audio file queue is played.


The Main Dialog Statusbar shows the following ( from left to right )

Scanning Threads - the current number scanning threads.
Loading Threads - the current number downloading threads
Pages to Scan - the current number of webpages which where found and waiting for scanning
Files to Load - the current number of files which where found and waiting for downloading. This includes also files which where later not downloaded because of a filesize which is not within the selected vales.
Size Loaded - the number of bytes which are downloaded for the found webpages and the found files.
Files Loaded - the number of downloaded files. This includes also files which are not saved, because of a filesize which is not within the selected vales.
KB/SEC - the current download rate. Includes the bytes which are downloaded for the found webpages and the found files.


Project Settings Dialog

General Settings

Select the download directory - select the directory where everything from the running project is downloaded into.

Create for each scanned domain a separate download directory -
if selected, the program creates for each scanned domain a separate direcotry. By example if the program has scanned the directory www_mywebpage_com is created. The downloaded files, which comes from this webpage are saved in this directory.
Create a protocolfile about all scanned pages - scan.txt is created. All scanned webpages are inserted with the depth of the webpage against the startwebpage and the current number. Webpages which could not loaded are shown with an ABORT: text.
Create a protocolfile about all downloaded files - load.txt is created. All downloaded files are inserted with their filesize and current number. Files which could not downloaded are shown with an ABORT: text.

Get all in the webpages included Email Addresses - all found email addresses are saved in the file email.txt .

Insert all downloaded files into the Load Files Treeview - if selected, a treeview is created which includes all scanned webpages and found files.

Media Viewing

Show images after download - if selected, all downloaded images are shown in the Image Viewing Window.
Show image in original size - if selected, the image is shown in its original size in the center of the viewing window.
Fit image to window - if selected, the image is strechted or shrinked to the viewing window size.
Image showing interval - the downloaded images are shown in this interval, if there are images available

Show videos after download - if selected, all downloaded videos are shown in the Video Viewing Window.
Show video in original size - if selected, the video is shown in its original size in the center of the viewing window.
Fit video to window - if selected, the video is strechted or shrinked to the viewing window size.

Play audio files after download - if selected, all downloaded audio files are played.


Scanning Settings

Project Start-URLs - insert all webpages from which the scanning starts

max. number of scanning threads - select the number of scanning threads from 1 - 10
Stop receiving webpage after x sec. ( without a response )- if the program can't receive the remote webpage after x sec., the scanning thread stops and restarts with the next webpage from the queue
Check max. link depth of the webpage - if selected, the depth of the current webpage against the startwebpage, is compared to the max. depth value. If the current depth is greater than the max. depth, the webpage is not scanned.
Only scan URLs which includes the domain from the Start-URL - if selected, only webpages which includes the domains from the startwebpages in their URL are scanned. By example if the startwebpage is only webpages which includes in their URL are scanned!
Save all scanned webpages to disk - if selected, all scanned webpages are saved to disk. Only the code is saved, not all included items!
Create for each scanned webpage a Contents-File - if selected, for all scanned webpages a file with the found contents is created. The contents are further links to additional webpages and found files!
Pause scanning while there are more than x files in the Queue - if selected, the scanning pauses until there are fewer files in the download queue as selected. This is useful to give the downloading threads all the bandwith you have. After falling below the selected amount of files, the scanning resumes.

Domain- and Webpage-Extensions for Scanning - insert all extensions of domains and webpage-filenames which you would be included in the scanning process, like .com, .us, .net, .htm, .html etc.. The extension must start with a dot.

Text must be included in the URL to run the scanning - if selected, only webpages which includes one of the inserted textes in their URL are scanned
If text is included in the URL don't scan - if selected, only webpages which includes no one of the inserted textes in their URL are scanned


Downloading Settings

File-Extensions for Loading - insert all extensions of filetypes which you want download from the Internet.

max. number of downloading threads - select the number of downloading threads from 1 - 10
Stop downloading file after x sec. ( without a response )- if the program can't receive the remote file after x sec., the downloading thread stops and restarts with the next file from the queue
Check min. filesize for downloading - select to avoid the download of files which are smaller than your inserted value
Check max. filesize for downloading - select to avoid the download of files which are bigger than your inserted value
Only download files from URLs which includes the domain from the Start-URL - if selected, only files which includes the domains from the startwebpages in their URL are downloaded. By example if the startwebpage is only files which includes in their URL are downloaded.

Save downloaded files - if selected, the downloaded files are saved to disk. If not, you can view the images in the Image Viewing Window without saving. But videos and audio files must be saved to view them!
if the file already exists - overwrite file - an existing file is overwritten
if the file already exists - add a number to the filename - a number is added to the filename like image_1.jpg, image_2.jpg etc.
if the file already exists - don't save - if the file already exists, nothing is saved

Add the domain to the filename - the filename of the downloaded file is build from the domain of the webpage and the filename itself. By example www_3dcafe_com_image.jpg instead of image.jpg. This is useful if you load from different webpages often files with equal filenames.

Test free diskspace before saving the file - if selected, the free diskspace is checked before saving the file

Text must be included in the File-URL to run the download - if selected, only files which includes one of the inserted textes in their URL are downloaded
If text is included in the File-URL don't download - if selected, only files which includes no one of the inserted textes in their URL are downloaded!