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CamUniversal Manual
Part 6: Menus / Mouse

Program Menu

General / Load Cameras ... (CTRL+L) - loads a camera set from a *.cam file. The set contains the cameras with all related settings.
General / Save Cameras (CTRL+C) -
saves the existing cameras into the current *.cam file
General / Save Cameras As ... (CTRL+A) -
saves the existing cameras into a new *.cam file
General / Delete All Cameras -
removes the existing cameras from the program (the *.cam file is not deleted or changed!)
General / Settings ...-
opens the program settings dialog
General / Save Settings (CTRL+S)- saves the program settings (SETTINGS.DAT)
General / Exit - closes the application

Camera / Add New Camera - opens the new camera dialog to insert a new camera
Camera / Edit Selected Camera - opens the adjust camera dialog to edit the settings of the selected camera
Camera / Delete Selected Camera - deletes the selected camera
Camera / Start Preview For All Cameras (F2)- starts the preview for all cameras
Camera / Stop Preview For All Cameras (F3)- stops the preview for all cameras
Camera / Start The Motion Detection For All Cameras (F4)- starts the motion detector for all cameras. The needed motion detector settings must be adjusted before.
Camera / Stop The Motion Detection For All Cameras (F5)- stops the motion detector for all cameras
Camera / Start The Scheduler For All Cameras (F6)- starts the scheduler for all cameras. You have to create at least one job before.
Camera / Stop The Scheduler For All Cameras (F7)- stop the scheduler for all cameras

Windows / Collect All Video Windows (F8)- combines all camera video windows in the collection window
Windows / Separate All Video Windows (F9)- closes the collection window and separates the video windows
Windows / Show All Video Windows (CTRL+V)-
shows all camera video windows
Windows / Hide All Video Windows (CTRL+H)-
hides all camera video windows. The camera functions remains active.
Windows / Show All Video Windows At (0,0) - show all video windows at the upper left corner of the screen. This could be necessary if the program is started with previous settings on a different PC with a different resolution or if the primary monitor is changed on a multi monitor system.
Windows / Set All Video Windows At Topmost - set all video windows at a topmost window in front of all other windows
Windows / Open The Media Viewer - opens the media viewer
Windows / AVI Creator ... - opens the AVI creator dialog

Info / Online Manual ... (F1) - opens the standard Internet browser with the manual webpage
Info / Goto The Webpage ... - opens the standard Internet browser with the CrazyPixels main webpage
Info / Forum ... -
opens the standard Internet browser with the CrazyPixels Forum webpage
Info / Register ... -
opens the registration dialog. With this dialog you create your keyinfo file which is needed to get your key.
Info / System Infos ...-
opens a dialog which displays informations about the program and your system
Info / About ...-
opens the about dialog


Context Menu - Application

A right mousebutton click into a camera row opens the camera context menu.

Start/Stop Preview - starts/stops the preview of the camera (only if there is no motion detector or scheduler running). The video window of the camera gets hidden at stopping and is shown at starting. You could also stop the preview by closing the video window with the close button.
Take A Picture - takes a picture
Start/Stop The Video Recording -
starts/stops the video recording
Start/Stop The Motion Detection -
starts/stops the motion detector of the camera
Show Motion Detection Picture Difference Window - shows the Difference Window. In this window you see the current camera picture with all pixels coloured which are different between the current picture and the comparing picture. To reduce or increase the amount of different pixels (% area difference) the values for the pixel difference (red,green,blue) must be adjusted. The pixel difference values and the area which is tested for motion are adjustable under the motion detector settings dialog.
Start/Stop The Scheduler - starts/stops the scheduler of the camera
Send (Send Not) The Camera Picture To The Remote Video Client -
enables/disables the camera picture sending to a connected video client
Show Video Window -
shows the video window.
Hide Video Window - hides the video window. With this function you hide the video window, all running functions are still working. It is not the same, as if you close the video window from the close button!


Context Menu - Video Window

A right mousebutton click into the video window opens the video window context menu.

Show Window Topmost - shows this window as a topmost window in front of all other windows or not
Show Window With Caption - shows or hides the window caption
Set Size 50% Of Original Size - the window size is changed so that the video size is 50% of the original video size
Set Size 100% Of Original Size - the window size is changed so that the video size has the original video size
Set Size 200% Of Original Size - the window size is changed so that the video size is 200% of the original video size
Fullscreen - stretches the window to fullscreen
Show Buttons - shows or hides the buttons below the video
Hide Video Window - hides the video window. With this function you hide the video window, all running functions are still working. It is not the same, as if you close the video window from the close button!
Place The Video Window Into The ActiveDesktop -
if the ActiveDesktop is enabled, the preview window is placed into the ActiveDesktop. The window lays behind all program windows and behind the desktop icons.


Context Menu - Overview Window

A right mousebutton click into the overview window opens the context menu.

Show Window Topmost - shows this window as a topmost window in front of all other windows or not
Show Window With Caption - shows or hides the window caption
Fullscreen - stretches the window to fullscreen
Not Fullscreen - returns from fullscreen to the former window size
1 Column -
arranges the video windows in 1 column
2 Columns - arranges the video windows in 2 columns
1 Row - arranges the video windows in 1 row
2 Rows - arranges the video windows in 2 rows
Quadratic Order - arranges the video windows in a quadratic order
Place The Video Window Into The ActiveDesktop - if the ActiveDesktop is enabled, the overview window is placed into the ActiveDesktop. The window lays behind all program windows and behind the desktop icons.

Take A Picture - takes a picture
Start/Stop The Video Recording -
starts/stops the video recording
Start/Stop The Motion Detection -
starts/stops the motion detector of the camera
Start/Stop The Scheduler - starts/stops the scheduler of the camera


Mouse Buttons / Function

Left Button - to move the video window and the overview window, hold the left mousebutton down, move the mouse and release the mousebutton at the desired position
Right Button - the right mousebutton opens the context menus
Middle Button - with the middle mousebutton you could zoom into the camera video. This function is available in the video window and the overview window. Hold the middle mousebutton down (the cursor changes into a cross), move the mousebutton to create a virtual rectangle and release the middle mousebutton to zoom into this selected area!

Part 7 >>